What time does skyrim take place
What time does skyrim take place

what time does skyrim take place

Keep in mind a universe is not the same as a galaxy. Granted, most early D&D manuals were set on Earth, but to expand the lore and break free of traditional Earth mindset limitations and historical discrepancies, they declared it to all happen in another universe entirely. These concepts have been used in everything from Dungeons and Dragons pen and paper games to printed books to movies. The ancient Greeks and Romans invented such creatures as minotaurs, gorgons, harpies, and such. Tolkien? He wrote a popular series of books and invented, or at least refined, re-defined, and established the standardized physical appearance of beings and creatures gathered from various global cultures and folktales such as Elves, Orcs, Goblins, beast-folk, and various other mythical and folkloric beings.

What time does skyrim take place