Wrong type of holding in demesne
Wrong type of holding in demesne

Her solution? Telekinetically use the gold bars to construct extra tracks to the bank and levitate the train along them, picking them back up as they go.

  • Didn't Think This Through: Twilight has to get a lot of gold from the Ponyville train depot to her new royal bank across town, preferably in secret to avoid looters, and doing it by cartload takes uncomfortably long.
  • I just said the in-my-head thing out loud and the out-loud thing in my head, didn't I? Twilight: I need to get the buck back to Ponyville and figure this out before they tar my ponyfeathers and lynch me for this! I hope you understand that I refuse it humbly, and not out of malice, as being the overlord of your friends tends to be a bit of a faux pas. Please rectify this situation for me, Luna, as soon as equinely possible, as well intentioned as your gift was. Twilight (thinking): I'm sorry Celestia, I should really head back to Ponyville and talk to Mayor Mare about this.
  • Cerebus Syndrome: Much of the story is Slice of Life hijinks with Twilight figuring out the ramifications of her position for her and Ponyville- then, come chapter 8, she learns that, thanks to all the other nobles who now know they are legally demesne-holders, Equestria is on the brink of civil war.
  • wrong type of holding in demesne

    Discord also finds a confession that he has genuinely come to like Ponyville and it's residents to be almost physically painful.Cannot Spit It Out: It is painfully obvious (except to Twilight) that underneath Dash's playful flirtation she actually does have feelings for Twilight."Are you trying to buy my forgiveness?" "Yes!" Brutal Honesty: Comes up quite a lot from Luna.It leads Discord to understand that he actually does appreciate life in general and ponies in specific. After all, that's theoretically maximum chaos.

    wrong type of holding in demesne

    Armor-Piercing Question: Pinkie drops one on Discord, asking why he doesn't turn the universe into pure entropy and shifting Alien Geometries.However in it does have a successor in The Quiet Equestrian, a side story/AU by a different author. Sadly, this fic has not updated since February 2016 and is listed as cancelled.

    Wrong type of holding in demesne